Nov 27, 2012

SIWI at COP18 26 November – 7 December in Doha, Qatar.

Stockholm International Water Institute has a presence at the UN Climate Negotiations, COP18, which takes place 26 November - 7 December in Doha, Qatar.

SIWI will take part in the UNFCCC on behalf of the Water and Climate Coalition, for which SIWI hosts the Secretariat. The Water and Climate Coalition is an alliance of 17 environmental NGOs and research centres seeking to place water issues at the heart of climate policy.

The Water and Climate Coalition will engage in dialogue and provide input on water related matters to different parts of the UNFCCC process. The Coalition also organizes a couple of events during the COP18:

  • Building Resilience through sustainable management of Mountain Water Resources and closing the gap between policy and implementation
    (This seminar is a thematic session during the “Mountain Day”)
    Time: Monday 3 December, 14.15 – 16.00
    Venue: Intercontinental Hotel, Al Isteqlal Road, West Bay Lagoon, Doha.
    Read a blog from the event here
  • Press conference
    Time: Tuesday 4 December, 13.30-14.00
    Venue: Press Conference Room 2