27 Aug 2017, 9:00 - 10:30 UTC

A Wasted Potential – Bringing Youth led Solutions to Scale

This interactive session will introduce the actions of young individuals and youth organisations on a global and local scale to implement solutions on the topic of Water and Waste - Reduce and Reuse. Round table discussions will allow the participants to analyze best practice examples and means for upscaling.

Cutting-edge youth solutions that have the potential to transform the water and waste sector face economic, political and cultural hindrances to upscaling.

This interactive session aims at showcasing some of today’s most promising water and waste reduce/reuse solutions, and their major hindrances to upscaling, in order to identify possible strategies to overcome them. The session will start off with presentations of case studies, followed by round table discussions in which project holders and the audience will work together to analyze best practices and impediments in the implementation and upscaling phase.

Using their experience and expertise, the audience will contribute to ideas to expand and scale-up the projects. At the end of the session, the audience will have a better understanding of youth actions around the world. The project holders will leave with constructive ideas for expanding their impact.


09.00 Welcome and introduction
Elin Weyler, SIWI

09.05 Introduction of speakers by moderator
Susanne Reitsma, Vice President of the WYPW

09.10 Waste/wastewater management
Janita Bartell, Cambodia

09.20 Youth entrepreneurship in the water sector
Serge Djohy
, Cape Verde

09.30 Perspectives from Central Asia
Maksat Eraaliev, Kazakhstan

9:40 Roundtable discussions 

10:10 Recommendations and summing up

10:30 End of session


  • Arup Stockholm International
  • Water Institute Water
  • Youth Network World
  • Youth Parliament for Water
27 Aug 2017, 9:00 - 10:30 UTC