11 Jun 2019, 1:00 - 14:30 UTC

Bridge and conquer: Turning the global sustainability agendas into action

Event information detail is can be read below

Venue – name: Hedénsalen

Venue – address: ABF-huset, Sveavägen 41, 111 83 Stockholm

Venue Url

Our world is facing huge challenges to which we need to respond: climate change, poverty, ecosystem degradation, and inequality. Together, they demand major changes in behaviour and decision-making.

World leaders have agreed upon two global agendas – the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement – which have the potential to tackle these challenges and transform our future. They set the framework for what needs to be done, but how can the agendas be turned into action? How do we make sure they are implemented in a coherent way? With the recent election to the European Parliament in mind, what can be done at the EU level?

Join us for a conversation about opportunities and challenges in turning the global sustainability agendas into action!


13.00 Setting the Scene: Current challenges and water as a connector
Jennifer Jun, SIWI Swedish Water House

13.15 Compatibility, risks and opportunities in linking the two global agendas
Anna Axelsson, Diakonia

13.30 EU post parliament elections – important issues to achieve the global goals and targets on sustainability
Karin Lexén, Naturskyddsföreningen

13.45 Panel discussion and Q&A
Moderator: Jennifer Jun
Panelists: Anna Axelsson and Karin Lexén

14.30 End




11 Jun 2019, 1:00 - 14:30 UTC