09 Oct 2017, 14:00 - 3:00 UTC

Catch the plastic!

On behalf of the STWI network, Swedish Water House is pleased to invite you to a guest lecture by Alexander Nolte from Guppyfriend. Microplastics in our oceans originating from synthetic textiles in clothes that we wear every day have been highlighted in media recently. With more awareness of the problem, more consumer facing solutions are cropping up. One such solution will be presented in this guest lecture by Alexander Nolte visiting STWI. He will present the journey from beer garden idea to implementation, and explain how one downstream solution can prevent microfibers from entering into rivers and oceans causing damages for its aquatic habitants and polluting food chains. He also hope to have a discussion on what we together can do to trigger a behavior change. 

Venue: SIWI ‘Ocean’
Venue address: Linnégatan 87A, Stockholm


A one hour guest lecture with Alexander Nolte from GuppyFriend.

About the speaker:

STOP! MICRO WASTE (S!MW) is a non-profit organization from Berlin, Germany, initiated by LANGBRETT, a group of surfers and nature lovers. S!MW is dedicated to fighting the plastic pollution of our rivers, lakes and oceans, and to informing people about the microfiber problem. We aim to explore and initiate great ideas on how to avoid, replace and reuse plastics in everyday life and beyond.


  • Filippa-K
  • SIWI Swedish Water House
09 Oct 2017, 14:00 - 3:00 UTC