04 Sep 2013, 0:45 - 13:45 UTC

Cooperation around Water – A Retailing Perspective

This event is a Side Event at World Water Week in Stockholm, arranged by Swedish Water House, H&M and IKEA. Cooperation and partnership needs from a retailing perspective. Including possible areas of cooperation, goals and challenges.

=== The seminar is a part of the World Water Week in Stockholm.
To attend this seminar you need to register for the conference at www.worldwaterweek.org ===

Currently SWH is developing numerous dialogues with the Swedish private sector regarding engagement for water resource use and management.

As a major home furnishing company, IKEA has established some bold commitments in its sustainability strategy “People and Planet Positive” including a strong commitment to address its water impact throughout its value chain, including its own operations, direct suppliers, raw material producers and the products used by its customers.

In order to achieve some of these aims and to broaden its impact IKEA has identified that it will need to collaborate and partner with other stakeholders.

After more than ten years of working actively with water, H&M – one of the world’s leading fashion companies – launched a holistic water stewardship strategy earlier this year. The strategy was developed together with WWF and addresses major water impacts and risks along H&M’s value chain. Taking collaboration to a new level, H&M and WWF have into a partnership with the joint vision to inspire change in the entire industry.

This event offers an interesting discussion between like-minded companies facing similar challenges and who have identified collaboration and partnership as a part of their water strategies. The workshop will provide a forum to discuss drivers behind cooperation on water issues – what can companies do alone and which areas of water stewardship require cooperation and why?

More information and resources from the event

Venue: Stockholmsmässan
Venue address: Room K16/17


12:45 Introduction. Ms. Katarina Veem, SWH

12:50 Water Work in IKEA. Mr. Simon Henzell Thomas and Ms. Margareta Björkander, IKEA

13:05 Working with water in H&M. Mr. Felix Ockborn, H&M

13.20 Questions and Answers

Room K16/17

World Water WeekWater and climateTextile
04 Sep 2013, 0:45 - 13:45 UTC