03 Oct 2018, 1:45 - 3:30 UTC

Do you value water?

It’s common to hear that water is under-valued. What’s does this really mean and how can we ensure that water is valued appropriately?

It’s common to hear that water is under-valued. What’s does this really mean and how can we ensure that water is valued appropriately?

In March 2018; eleven Heads of States and one Special Advisor under the umbrella of the High-Level Panel on Water (HLPW) presented its outcome document to boost the achievement of all water related SDG’s. One of their main recommendations is to value water better; to identify and take into account the multiple and diverse values of water to different groups in all decisions affecting water.

Venue: Myntkabinettet
Venue address: Slottsbacken 6, Stockholm
Venue URL

As part of the process, the HLPW Principles on Valuing Water (“The Principles”) were designed as an entry point to consider how to sustainably, efficiently and inclusively allocate and manage water resources, and to deliver and price water services accordingly. They aim to inspire change and innovation in the policies and practices in countries, cities, sectors, producers, consumers and individuals, guiding investments for sustainable and socially preferred water use and management.

This seminar aims to familiarise the audience with The Principles and highlight the pathways forward since the realise of the HLPW Outcome document.

20-09-2018 Please note that time and place have been updated! See you at 13:45 at Myntkabinettet.



13.45 Coffee

14.00 Opening – Torgny Holmgren, CEO, SIWI

14.10 Short Video Presentation High Level Panel on Water

14.15 ”Valuing water”– John Joyce, Chief Economist, SIWI

14.35 Discussant– Maria Hakansson, CEO Swedfund

14.50 Discussant – François Brikké, Senior Network Officer, Global Water Partnership

15.05 Questions and discussion

15.25 Closing remarks by Torgny Holmgren, CEO, SIWI

15.30 End of seminar

Water-smart businessWater and climate
03 Oct 2018, 1:45 - 3:30 UTC