29 Aug 2016, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC

Driving collaborative change in the textile and leather industry

Driving collaborative change in the textile and leather industry is a panel conversation moderated by the Guardian. Sweden Textile Water Initiative members H&M and Filippa K present industry collaboration initiatives with GAP Inc. and development cooperation agencies Sida och USAid to leverage sustainable water use in textile production.

Learn more at:  http://programme.worldwaterweek.org/event/5984


14:00  Welcome.

14:10  Panel discission.
Facilitator: Eliza Anyangwe, The Guardian


  • Dan Henkle, Senior Vice President, Global Sustainability, Gap Inc.
  • Anna Gedda, Head of Sustainability, H&M
  • Elin Larsson, Sustainability Director, Filippa K
  • Chris Holmes, Global Water Coordinator, US Agency for International Development
  • Joachim Beijm, Cheif of staff, Swedish Development Cooperation Agency
  • Katarina Veem, Director Swedish Water House at SIWI, Sweden Textile Water Initiative

15:30  Close of event.


GAP Inc.; Stockholm International Water Institute and Sweden Textile Water Initiative

29 Aug 2016, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC