27 Aug 2017, 14:00 - 15:30 UTC

Falkenmark Symposium – Achieving SDG in Africa: scaling green-blue revolution

A wise management of green water resources in arid and semi-arid regions in Africa with booming populations is paramount for achieving the Global Goal to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition. The aim of the symposium is to set the Call for an African Water Revolution into motion.

Last year, the distinguished Malin Falkenmark Symposium focused on green water management as a prerequisite to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal on Eradication of Hunger (SDG 2) in Africa. The outcome of the Symposium, co-convened by Stockholm International Water Institute, Stockholm Resilience Centre and Stockholm Environment Institute, were formulated in a Call for an African Water Revolution, which has gained endorsements since. The Call promotes an African Water Revolution by stimulating water harvesting in semi-arid and arid countries in Africa. The science is clear, but there is a need to prompt the policy making and funding bodies that are influencing the African context. The 2017 panel discussion will focus on the need for advancing the solutions for scaling up.


Facilitator: Mr. Johan Kuylenstierna, SEI

14:00    Achieving SDG in Africa: scaling green-blue revolution
Prof. Malin Falkenmark, SIWI and SRC
14:15    Feasibility of green water management and rainwater harvesting in drylands
Dr. Jennie Barron

14:30    Panel discussion: Need of an African Green Water
Revolution for reaching the hunger alleviation goal SDG 2

•    Dr. Canisius Kanangire, Executive Secretary, AMCOW
•    Mr. Howard Bamsey, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund
•    Ms. Jennifer Sara, Director, Water Global Practice, World Bank
•    Dr. Johan Rockström, Executive Director, SRC

15:25     Summing up

Dr. Johan Rockström, Executive Director, SRC

15:30  Close of session


  • Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Stockholm International Water Institute
  • Stockholm Resilience Centre
27 Aug 2017, 14:00 - 15:30 UTC