Falkenmark Symposium: Financing an African Water Revolution
In many parts of Africa, yields from rain-fed subsistence farming are very low – a quarter of potential yields – which points to green water being lost to evaporation through poor in-field water conservation practices. As rainfall is predicted to become increasingly variable due to climate change, it is even more urgent to improve the conservation of green water through a variety of methods, both in-field and in localized catchment areas, to increase infiltration and to store water in micro infrastructures.
There is a unique opportunity to achieve water resilience based on the efficient use of green water across Africa, meet African food needs and address rural poverty. An effort to transform the “Invisible Majority” into net contributors to their national economies will require significant resources. Access to finance is required to support an African Water Revolution and the planning, design and implementation of improved rainfed agriculture programmes at scale in their countries. The 2018 Falkenmark Symposium will engage with financial experts to identify the challenges to financing change and help secure funding for green water initiatives across Africa.
Venue: Norra Latin – Music Hall
Venue URL
Event moderator: Professor Jennie Barron, Agricultural Water Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU)
16:00 Welcome
A welcome to this year’s symposium and background to the African Water Revolution.
- Mr. Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
- Professor Malin Falkenmark, Senior Scientific Advisor, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
- Ms. Pamela Tshwete, Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, Republic of South Africa
16:15 Africa’s Dilemma
Keynote presentation on the water and agricultural dilemmas facing Africa’s silent majority and the urgent need for financing green water solutions.
- Mr Kevin Urama, Senior Policy Advisor to the President on Inclusive & Green Growth, African Development Bank
16:25 African Water Revolution
An input on the objectives of the African Water Revolution inlcuding outcomes of the recent expert workshop in Kigali.
- Professor Johan Rockström, Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC)
16:35 Financing change
A panel discussion on the solutions for financing rainfed agriculture and investments in green water solutions. Discussions will include the identification of potential sources of financing, the key mechanisms through which to provide this finance and how to ensure impacts by 2030.
- Mr Mamadou Biteye, Director Africa Office, Rockefeller Foundation
- Mr Benedito Braga, President, World Water Council
- Ms Ziyanda Mpakama, Programme Manager, African Regional Centre, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
- Ms Nompumelelo Ntshalintshali, Principal Water Development Analyst/WASH Specialist at Department of Water Affairs, Swaziland
- Ms Delphine Ouedraogo, Program Officer Natural Resources Management, Water, Sanitation & Climate Change, Swedish Embassy in Burkina Faso
- Mr William Rex, Lead Water Resources Specialist, World Bank
17:25 Moving forward
A brief summary of session outcomes, inspiring closing comments and presentation of next steps for the African Water Revolution
- Dr. Belay Begashaw, Director General, Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa
17:30 Close followed by networking reception in Bruce’s Restaurant
- Stockholm Environment Institute
- Stockholm Resilience Centre
- Stockholm International Water Institute