Workshop.14 Dec 2022, 10:00 - 16 Dec 2022, 17:30 CET

Global Workshop on Source-to-sea and River Basin Management Planning

This interactive workshop is a special opportunity to develop knowledge and capacity to implement source-to-sea management.

Global workshop on source-to-sea management flyer: 14-16 December 2022, online and in Geneva
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This interactive workshop is a special opportunity to develop knowledge and capacity to implement source-to-sea management.

The event will combine case study presentations, panel discussions and group exercises to discuss the practical aspects of implementing source-to-sea management and facilitate its uptake around the world.

SIWI’s Source to Sea team has been contributing to the planning and coordination of this workshop and we invite partners to join us!

The topics of the sessions include:

  • What is source-to-sea management about?
  • Governance arrangements to support source-to-sea management
  • Cross sectoral and transboundary cooperation from source to sea
  • Tackling marine pollution at the source
  • Financing source-to-sea management
  • Practical steps forward and future source-to-sea action


The workshop is organized under the auspices of the Water Convention serviced by UNECE, under the leadership of Estonia and Slovenia and with the support of the S2S Platform and its partners and friends.

More details about the event



Source-to-SeaWater governance
14 Dec 2022, 10:00 - 16 Dec 2022, 17:30 CET
Geneva (Switzerland), Online


The workshop is taking place 14-16 December online and in Geneva, Swizerland (Palais des Nations, Conference room XXI)

Register before 2 December

Please register (virtual or in-person participation) through the Indico registeration website by Friday, 2 December 2022.

Register now