12 Jun 2018, 14:00 - 16:30 UTC

Leading up to COP24- collaboration and joint forces on water

Welcome to this seminar with the aim to connect relevant stakeholders to join forces within the framework of COP 24 that will take place from 3-14 December 2018, in Katowice, Poland. 

We will build on the outcome from the intersession in Bonn, 27 April – 8 May, and start a discussion on collaborative activities and statements for the COP 24; especially for the Water Action Day, but also through additional joint messaging and events that we could identify as a group in the areas of forest/water/landscapes, Source to Sea (S2S), Gender and Water.  

The Polish presidency has identified the strategic role that forests can play in adaptation and to mitigate gas emissions.  SIWI, SWH and AGWA (Alliance for Global Water Adaptation, a network co-hosted by SIWI) will be involved in preparing and organizing the Water Action day and pushing other activities in order to illustrate water’s key role in supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement. 

Venue: SIWI ‘Ocean’
Venue Address: SIWI ‘Ocean’


13.45    Coffee, chocolates and fruit 

14.00    Welcome
Kristina Johansson, SIWI Swedish Water House

14.05    Updates on discussions and outcomes of Bonn meeting – what’s in the pipe for COP24
Maggie White, SIWI

14.20    Sweden’s priorities at COP24
Lars Ronnås, Ministry of Environment and Energy – Climate Ambassador 

14.35   SIWIs planned actions at COP24

  • Forest/Water/Landscapes (Anna Tengberg, SIWI Swedish Water House)
  • Climate (Maggie White, SIWI)
  • Source 2 Sea (Birgitta Liss Lymer, SIWI) 

14.50    Climate and Gender in COP 24
Linnea Engström, Swedish European Parliamentarian for the Green Party  

15.05    Resilient cities – the role of cities for delivering on the Paris Agreement,
Sofia Widforss, WWF One Planet Cities

15.20    Providing fossil free energy for all without compromising the biodiversity challenge
Karin Lexén, Secretary General, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation  

15.35    Short leg stretch, refill coffee, water, chocolates and fruit 

15.45    Discussion moderated by Maggie White – What are the common objectives where we can cooperate to more successfully influence the COP negotiations? What actions and events do we want to plan and implement together? Agree on next steps, roles, responsibilities and time frames. 

16.30 Summing up, Maggie White 

Water and climate
12 Jun 2018, 14:00 - 16:30 UTC