01 Oct 2014, 11:30 - 13:45 UTC

Potential instruments for mitigation of water risks

At this event we will learn about the Water Benefit Certificates (WBC) initiative, which was currently launched by the Gold Standard at the Stockholm World Water Week 2014. The concept was initiated by First Climate and developed in association with the Water Benefit Partners as a Public Private Partnership programme.

The Gold Standard is an award winning certification standard for carbon mitigation projects, recognised internationally as the benchmark for quality in both the compliance and voluntary carbon markets. The Gold Standard is the standard of choice for multiple governments, multinationals and the United Nations and endorsed by more than 80 NGOs worldwide. All Gold Standard projects demonstrate real and permanent GHG reductions and sustainable development benefits in local communities that are measured, reported and verified.

The meeting aims to explore the concept of WBC as a potential instrument for Swedish businesses to mitigate their water risks.

Venue: SIWI’s premises
Venue address: Linnégatan 87A, Stockholm


11.30 Light lunch served

12.00 Opening
Björn Druse, SIWI

12.10 How Water Benefit Certificates (WBC) can contribute to solving water crises
Anna Forslund, SIWI

12.30 Overview and certification processes of WBC
Brendan Smith, The Gold Standard

12.50 Pilot projects and market perspective on WBC implementation
Sascha Lafeld, First Climate

13.10 Discussion

13.40 Closing
Phillia Restiani, SIWI

Water and financeDisaster risks and water
01 Oct 2014, 11:30 - 13:45 UTC