Scenarios for a warmer Arctic
Climate change has dramatic impacts in the Arctic, with greater temperature increases compared to the Earth as a whole and rapidly melting summer seaice. These changes are expected to substantially influence the Arctic environment as well as socio-economic activities.
In this symposium we will present and discuss new research concerning the direct results of global warming such as future sea ice conditions,impacts on live marine resources and on the provision of ecosystem services. Furthermore, we will discuss what impacts these changes have on fishing,oil extraction, aquaculture and other economic activities and how they in turn affect the environment and the lives of people in local communities.
The presentations are based on results from the transdisciplinary EU-project Arctic Climate Change Economy and Society (ACCESS), recently published in a special issue of the journal Ambio.
Within ACCESS, a framework to support management in the region was also developed, which takes into account complex interactions between society and nature, possible abrupt change and considerable uncertainty.
The symposium is free of charge and open to the public but registration is required. Please register at by 13 February
Venue:The Beijer Hall
Venue address: Lilla Frescativägen 4A, Stockholm
13.30 – 15.00
Introduction – The Arctic in a broader context and facets of Arctic change
Professor Jean-Claude Gascard, University Pierre and Marie Curie, LOCEAN and CNRS
Sea ice and weather forecasts
Dr. Michael Karcher, Alfred Wegener Institute
Seafood from a changing Arctic
Dr. John Isaksen, Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, NOFIMA
Scenarios for oil and gas production in a warmer Arctic
Associate Professor Katrin Rehdanz, Kiel University
The risks of Arctic oil spills and the response capacity
Jeremy Wilkinson, British Antarctic Survey
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 -17.00
Sources and impacts of Arctic air pollution
Dr. Kathy Law, University Pierre and Marie Curie, LATMOS
A holistic approach to Arctic management
Associate Professor Anne-Sophie Crépin, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics
Panel Discussion
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences