Second General Assembly – INNWater Project
The InnWater project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Research & Innovation programme and coordinated by the International Office for Water (OiEau), will hold its second General Assembly in La Réunion, a French overseas territory, from 4 to 6 June, 2024.

InnWater aims to promote social innovation to renew multi-level and cross-sector water governance. The project will develop a set of tools and services for the benefit of water stakeholders.
InnWater, running from 2023 to 2026, brings together 13 partners from six countries (France, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). These partners include research and technology organizations, water users, and associations which cover EU Member States and beyond.
The project relies on social innovation, considering four dimensions for promoting and transferring results: technology, governance, capacity building, and economics.
In its first year, partner-initiated discussions, gathered information and data, shaped their approach, and built five Pilot Sites Communities with local stakeholders. Now, it’s time to delve into the project’s main outcomes: water governance assessment, citizen engagement, economic modeling, capacity building, and awareness.
Each project topic will be discussed through the lens of the Pilot Sites, which are essential for testing and co-developing these innovative tools. Special attention is also given to gender dimensions, both in project management and in the project’s implementation and impact.
A unique feature of this General Assembly is that it is open to exchanges with external speakers on water crisis management, with a dedicated session labeled Green Week Partner Event.
- International Office for Water (OiEau)
- Université de La Réunion
- Etifor Valuing Nature
- Université de Rouen Normandie
- Fundacio Eurecat (EURECAT)
- Stockholm International Water Institute
- REKK Energiapiaci Tanacsado KFT (REKK, Hungary)
- European Water Regulators (WAREG)
- European University Institute (EUI, Italy)
- Közép-Tisza-vidéki Vízügyi Igazgatóság (KÖTIVIZIG, Hungary)
- Consiglio di Bacino Brenta (CBB, Italy)
- Ajuntament de Figueres (Figueres, Spain)
- Westcountry River Trust
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon EUROPE research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 101086512.
This work was funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee under grant number 10066637.
Julie MAGNIER (Office International de l’Eau), +33 7 56 21 33 53 –
Michel PAUL (Université de La Réunion) +33 6 35 91 43 37 –
INNWater Partners