Waterside chat.23 Mar 2023, 18:45 - 19:45 EST

Journey of Water from Source to Sea

Video recording

We invite you to join us on the journey of water from its source in the forests of the Catskill Mountains to the wetlands of Staten Island and out to the coastal waters of Long Island. We learn along the way that water does not come from the tap; to have clean water to drink, to grow our food, to fuel the economy, and to find moments of peace beside, we must take care of nature.

Through inspiring, visual stories, we learn how New York City has protected and restored nature to keep the water clean at its source. We hear how wetlands can protect us from the damaging impacts of floods and provide homes for plants and animals that otherwise would be lost. And we meet the people who work tirelessly to turn the tide on water pollution and those who reap the harvests of those efforts.

We reap a plenitude of benefits from nature from the high mountain glaciers to the salt marshes and seagrass beds of the coasts, to all that lives in the deep, blue ocean. It is not only here in New York City that protecting nature from source to sea is important. All over the world there is the need to restore the natural water cycle as it moves across the landscape to the ocean and then back to fall as rain or snow again. The tales from running 200 marathons will teach us how honoring this journey of water and reconnecting with nature as an ally, can lead us to a future of prosperity and well-being.

Location: Water House, 666 3rd Avenue, 18th Floor, NYC, NY

23 Mar 2023, 18:45 - 19:45 EST
New York (USA)


2 min: Welcome

7-10 min: The Journey of Water from Source to Sea from Around the World – Mina Guli, Run Blue, Thirst Foundation

5 min:  NYC representative (TBD)

5-6 min:  The Journey of Water video screening

25 min:  Waterside Chat – Moderator: Andreas Karlsson

  • Jeff Opperman, Global Freshwater Lead Scientist, Global Science, World Wildlife Fund
  • Ruth Mathews, Senior Manager, Stockholm International Water Institute, Coordinator, Action Platform of Source-to-Sea Management

6 min: Reflections on the Journey of Water – Jessy Zhang & Ulizes Atlixqueño (TBD)

Follow SIWI to New York

On 22-24 March, the United Nations headquarters in New York will host a historic conference on freshwater. SIWI will play an active role to ensure that countries finally tackle the urgent water crisis and deliver on commitments already made.

Learn more about our positions and activities
New York City skyline over the water
Photo by Chris Schippers / Pexels