24 Nov 2017, 13:00 - 16:00 UTC

The Global Ocean and the Future of Humanity

The seminar focuses on the global ocean, celebrating Volvo Environment Prize Laureate Professor Rashid Sumaila’s work.

Humanity has entered the Anthropocene where human activities are fundamentally shaping the dynamics of the planet. This raise a number of concerns in relation to the ecosystems we depend on, but also to how we distribute benefits originating from these ecosystems. What does this new reality look like, and how is it influencing ecosystems and people? What policies and other actions can ensure a safe and just future for all?

The seminar focuses on the global ocean, celebrating Volvo Environment Prize Laureate Professor Rashid Sumaila’s work. The ocean is a fundamental sink of carbon dioxide and play a critical role in stabilizing the Earth biophysical processes. It also provides food and employment for millions of people and is substantially influenced by climate change, overfishing and pollution. How humanity deals with the ocean is critical for the future of our species. This seminar will explore pathways to ensure that the ocean is treated in a way that enables it to continue to provide for humanity, while also protecting its intrinsic values and the structure and function of ecosystems. We will explore how protection and use of the ocean can provide benefits from these global commons, in a fair way, to citizens of all nations.

Professor Rashid Sumaila is one of the world’s most innovative researchers on the future of the oceans, integrating the social and economic dimensions with ecology, law, fisheries science and traditional knowledge to build novel pathways towards sustainable fisheries. He works with the real-world economy from local to global scales in both developed and developing countries, with a focus on equity and local livelihoods.

The symposium is free of charge and open to the public but registration is required.

Venue name: The Beijer Hall, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Venue address: The Beijer Hall, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences


13.00 – 16.00

The seminar is honoured by the presence of HRH Crown Princess Victoria

Moderated by Henrik Österblom, Stockholm Resilience Centre

Welcome address and introductionAssociate Professor Henrik Österblom, Stockholm Resilience Centre, StockholmUniversity

Fair sharing of the global ocean: climate change, subsidies, and large-scaleprotectionProfessor Rashid Sumaila, Institute for the ocean and fisheries, University ofBritish Columbia

International cooperation and leadership for a fair and sustainable oceanMaria van Berlekom, Lead Policy Specialist, Environment and Climate Change,Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida

Complex supply chains, novel financial mechanisms and sustainable seafoodAssociate Professor Beatrice Crona, Global Economic Dynamics and the BiosphereProgram, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Global Development on an intertwined planetProfessor Carl Folke, Stockholm Resiience Centre and the Beijer Institute forEcological Economics

Panel Discussionmoderated by Henrik Österblom

Coffee Break 14.30 – 15.00

The symposium is free of charge and open to the public but registrationis required. Please register at www.kva.se/globalocean by 24 November

Music by El Perro del Mar


The seminar is jointly hosted by the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and the Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere programme (GEDB) of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Volvo Environment Prize Foundation.

24 Nov 2017, 13:00 - 16:00 UTC