22 Mar 2017, 9:00 - 13:00 UTC

World Water Day 2017 Wastewater – a resource flushed down the drain?

More than 80% of all wastewater discharged globally is neither treated nor reused. The opportunities to use wastewater as a resource are enormous. A safe treatment of wastewater is both an affordable and sustainable source of water, energy and nutrients.

The title of this year’s World Water Day is “Wastewater – a resource that is flushed away?”. We will describe the problem but above all highlight and highlight the possibilities that what new thinking about wastewater management can mean at national level.

Together with Bioteria, IVL, Ragn-Sells and Svenskt Vatten, we invite you to an exciting day with interesting presentations and discussions. The panel will focus on how Swedish environmental technology and innovation meet the challenges and opportunities that more efficient wastewater management entails and how implementation can make sewage a resource.

The announcement of the Stockholm Water Prize will also take place during the day!

Water is a finite resource with growing demand from consumers and producers. As the threat of water scarcity grows, where can we turn? A circular economy in which both water and waste are managed as the assets that they are is essential to addressing this growing challenge.  Today, more than 80% of wastewater produced globally is literally flushed down the drain; wasting a resource with great potential. Through the implementation of proper treatment, wastewater can be transformed into an affordable and sustainable source of water, energy and nutrients.

The World Water Day is presented together with:

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Venue name: Grand Hôtel – Spegelsalen
Venue address: Södra Blasieholmshamnen 8, Stockholm
Venue URL


08:30 Registration

09:00 Introduction
Lotta Samuelson, Program Manager, SIWI Swedish Water House

09:05 Introductory speech – Political priorities
Karolina Skog, Minister of the Environment

09:25 World Water Report 2017 – Wastewater: An underutilized resource
Marianne Kjellén, Senior Water Advisor, UNDP

09:40 Why do we not use the sewer better as a resource?
Anders Finnson, Environmental Expert, Swedish Water

10:00 Announcement of the winner of the Stockholm Water Prize
Peter Forssman, Chairman of the Board, SIWI and Prof. Deliang Chen, Chairman of the Stockholm Water Prize Nomination Committee

10:10 Coffee break

10:40 How will sustainability be sustainable? The challenges of making green sanitation systems truly sustainable
Linus Dagerskog, Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute

11:00 Upstream measures as a prerequisite for water reuse
Gustaf Stetler, Head of Innovation, Bioteria

11:20 Waste management and the circular economy
Pär Larshans, Head of Sustainability, Ragn Sells

11:40 The forgotten resource – Sustainable water recycling can promote the environment, economy and health
Christian Baresel, VA expert, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute

12:00 Panel discussion
Moderator: Nicolai Schaaf, Program Officer, SIWI Swedish Water House
Kristina Yngwe, Environmental Policy Spokeswoman, Center Party
Anna Linusson, CEO, Swedish Water
Jens Holm, Member of Parliament, Left Party
Mats Johansson, M.Sc. Systems Ecology, Ecoloop AB

12:50 Closing reflections
Lotta Samuelson, Program Manager, SIWI Swedish Water House
Nicolai Schaaf, Program Officer, SIWI Swedish Water House

The program is also available as a pdf file here.



#Världsvattendagen #WorldWaterDay

Water and climate
22 Mar 2017, 9:00 - 13:00 UTC