30 Aug 2018, 11:00 - 11:45 UTC

Water and Faith: Acting in Partnership to achieve SDG 6

To achieve the SDGs in just 12 years requires strong partnerships. Faith and spirituality are foundational sources and drivers of behavior; shaping and inspiring individual and community worldviews, priorities, daily rituals and community structures – including relationship to and value of water resources. Moreover, in rural and remote locations, or where governments are unable or otherwise fail to provide essential services, faith-based organizations and networks are often relied upon to fill essential service gaps.

This Showcase will feature a panel of high-level faith leaders and wise water management champions active in working to achieve SDG 6 through inclusive partnerships. Expert panelist comments will be followed by an opportunity for questions from the audience. The session will conclude with a call for partnership and engagement in a Water and faith working group in Sweden and globally.

This showcase programme will be followed by additional Water and Faith network activities for interested participants and partners. For more information and to register to participate in additional Water and Faith activities during World Water Week please contact elizabeth.yaari@siwi.org.

Venue: Folkets Hus Cabaret
Venue address: Barnhusgatan 12-14, Stockholm
Venue URL


11:00-11:05 Welcome and Introduction

Dinesh Suna, Programme Executive/Coordinator, Ecumenical Water Network (EWN), World Council of Churches

11:05-11:30 High Level Panel: (5 minute statements each)

Facilitated by Elizabeth Yaari, Senior Program Manager, Transboundary Water Management, Stockholm International Water Institute; and Francois Brikke, Senior Network Officer, Global Water Partnership

Bishop Arnold Temple, Chairperson of Ecumenical Water Network of World Council of Churches

Mufti Mohammad Zoubi, Mufti of Amman, Jordan

Vatican Representative (tbc)

Dr Monika Weber-Fahr, Executive Secretary, Global Water Partnership

Prof Leo Heller, Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation (tbc)

Prof. Stefan Uhlenbrook, Coordinator and Director, UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

Ms Mina Guli, Water Advocate and Ultra runner: 100 marathons in 100 days for water! (tbc)

11:30-11:40 Audience Questions and Answers

11:40-11:45 Invitation for Partnership

Kristina Johansson, Programme Officer, Swedish Water House, Stockholm International Water Institute

This showcase programme will be followed by additional Water and Faith network activities for interested participants and partners. For more information and to register to participate in additional Water and Faith activities during World Water Week please contact elizabeth.yaari@siwi.org.


  • Stockholm International Water Institute
  • The World Council of Churches
  • Swedish Institute Alexandria
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
  • The Church of Sweden
  • Global Water Partnership
30 Aug 2018, 11:00 - 11:45 UTC