12 Apr 2016, 10:00 - 17:00 UTC

Water and Pharmaceuticals – insights and perspectives for health and environment – 12-13 April, 2016 in Uppsala

Welcome to Uppsala, to discuss the state of the knowledge on pharmaceuticals, their environmental effects and how to reduce the release of pharmaceuticals to the water – both internationally and domestically. The topics will cover the lifecycle of pharmaceuticals looking at the three major points of release to the environment: Production, usage and disposal.

The first day will give an overview about the scope of the problem and ongoing processes and initiatives. Day two will offer different workshops to dive deeper into specific questions like advanced wastewater treatment and other fields of responsibility.

This conference is for you who are confronted with these challenges working in public and private sector, NGO or academia, interested in the links between healthcare, water and environment.

The meeting language of day one will be English, the second day will have both Swedish and English elements.

Timing: 12/4-16 kl 10:00-17:3013/4-16 kl 08:30-16:00
Venue: Norrlands Nation Conference Centre
Venue address: Västra Ågatan 14, Uppsala, Sweden
Venue URL


Preliminary Programme

12 April – Morning session

Welcome and introduction

Anna Linusson, CEO Svenskt Vatten

Torgny Holmgren, CEO SIWI

Anders Finnson, Svenskt Vatten and Nicolai Schaaf, SIWI (chairs of the conference)


Pharmaceuticals in the environment – how large is the problem globally and in Sweden?

Joakim Larsson, Gothenburg University


European and Swedish initiatives on Pharmaceuticals in the environment

Presenter to be confirmed


Conclusions and recommendation from the research cluster MistraPharma

Christina Rudén, Stockholm University


Everyone must take responsibility: Stakeholder specific recommendations

from the Swedish Water House Cluster Group on Water and Pharmaceuticals

Nicolai Schaaf, SIWI/Swedish Water House


Panel discussion, questions and answers for the morning session


12 April – Afternoon session

Swedish healthcare causing environmental problems in other countries:

The challenge for public procurement

Pauline Göthberg, Stockholm County Council.

National coordinator for social responsibility in public procurement


Sustainable procurement in the health sector – an UN-initiative

Christoph Hamelmann, UNDP


How does the pharmaceutical industry meet their responsibility

– and the role of the Swedish market

Bengt Mattsson, Pfizer, Swedish Pharmaceutical Industry Association LIF


The water sectors contribution to reducing pollution by pharmaceuticals

Anders Finnson, Svenskt Vatten


International ”state of the art” of eliminating pharmaceutical residues by wastewater treatment

Michael Cimbritz, Lund University


Pharmaceuticals – a risk for the circular economy?

Håkan Jönsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – SLU


Panel discussion: How to gain the critical mass? Key priorities and missing

links in order to avoid the release of pharmaceuticals to the environment


13 April – Thematic workshops

Parallel sessions and possibility for closed meetings

Session 1: Presentation of projects on advanced wastewater treatment

Session 2: How different actors along the life cycle of pharmaceuticals can take their responsibility


  • International Water Association – Sweden (IWA)
  • Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
  • Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
  • Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (Havs- och vattenmyndigheten/HaV)
  • Swedish Water and Wastewater Association (Svenskt Vatten)


12 Apr 2016, 10:00 - 17:00 UTC