04 Sep 2013, 9:00 - 0:30 UTC

Young Professionals Seminar: Water: Competition, Cooperation, and Complexity

This seminar will provide young professionals with a platform to interact with leading experts in the water community, and present initiatives and resources that can help orientate young professionals in their future careers. We will also take a closer look at the 2013 theme: water cooperation.

=== The seminar is a part of the World Water Week in Stockholm.
To attend this seminar you need to register for the conference at www.worldwaterweek.org ===

What challenges motivate today’s water professionals?

In the first part of this seminar you will hear from – and interact with – experts who are dedicating their careers to solving water challenges. What are they working on right now, what are the future challenges within their fields, and what keeps these experts engaged and motivated in their day-to-day work? After brief presentations, questions will be taken from the audience.

Click here for more information and resources

Venue name: Stockholmsmässan
Venue address: Room B0


09:00 Welcome.Mr. Steven Downey, GWP, and Ms. Lovisa Selander, SIWI
09:05 Introduction to the World Water Week in Stockholm and to the Young Professionals Day. Mr. Adrian Puigarnau, SIWI
09:15 What Do you Do and Why? Mr. Andrew Takawira, GWP Dr. Kala Vairavamoorthy, University of South Florida, USA Ms. Anna Oposa, Save Philippine Seas Mr. Gary Sharkey, PwC Dr. Alain Vidal, CPWF 10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Water: Competition, Cooperation, and Complexity. Dr. Peter Gleick, Pacific Institute
11:15 Roundtable Discussions. Water supply and Sanitation. Facilitator: Dr. Kala Vairavamoorthy. Climate Change. Facilitator: Mr. Andrew Takawira, GWP. Agriculture and Food. Facilitator: Dr. Alain Vidal, CPWF. Water and Energy. Facilitator: Mr. Andreas Lindström, SIWI. Transboundary Waters. Facilitator: Dr. Ana Cascao, SIWI. Ecosystems and Environment. Facilitator: Ms. Anna Oposa, Save Philippine Seas. 12.00 Reporting Back from Roundtables. Moderator: Dr. Peter Gleick.
12.20 Wrap Up. Mr. Steven Downey, GWP, and Ms. Lovisa Selander, SIWI.


  • Swedish Water House
  • Global Water Partnership (GWP)

Room B0

Water cooperationWorld Water WeekWater-smart business
04 Sep 2013, 9:00 - 0:30 UTC