Feb 12, 2019

4 must-haves for a great showcase application

Each year we have some 70 showcases* being a part of the World Water Week programme and since we receive...

Each year we have some 70 showcases* being a part of the World Water Week programme and since we receive twice as many proposals, the competition is tough. So, what do you need to consider in your application to improve your chances of being a part of the programme?



  1. What do you want to achieve? Think about what it is that you want out of your session; what is your objective? What is your scope? Be clear and make sure you let us know what you want to do at your showcase!
  2. Know your audience! Who needs to be in the room for you to reach your objective? Do you want non-World Water Week participants to be part of the conversation? Then perhaps an open showcase is something for you. Shape your session to target who you want to be in the room.
  3. Be part of creating an inclusive World Water Week. Consider gender balance and youth representation when selecting speakers, panellists and moderators. To be a Gold Standard session you need at least 40% female representation and at least one presenter under 35. Read more about the gold standard.
  4. How is your session part of the solution? How does your session drive the conversations forward and contribute to change? Is your session paving the way for meaningful dialogue or perhaps future collaboration?

[/ordered_list][service type=”top” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer” animate=”no” title=”Apply now!” link=”https://programme.worldwaterweek.org/Engage”]
[/service]To learn more about what last years showcases, go to our programme website and select showcase or read the story about one of our sessions.

*A showcase is a space where convenors can tell their water stories, promote different approaches and share their perspectives, initiatives, tools and projects. Read more about showcases and the different ways to engage.