Building a resilient future through water speakers
Building a resilient future through water E. Mr. János...
Building a resilient future through water
E. Mr. János Áder
President of HungaryCharafat Afilal
Secretary of State in Charge of Water, Morocco
Nicolas Hulot
Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, France (video message)
Lars Ronnås
Ambassador for Climate, SwedenJohan Rockström
Director, Stockholm Resilience CentreFred Boltz
Managing Director for Ecosystems, the Rockefeller Foundation
Catarina de Albuquerque
Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation, and Executive Chair of the Sanitation and Water for All PartnershipJennifer Sara
Director Water Global Practice, the World Bank
Betsy Otto
Director Global Water Programme, World Resources InstituteMark Fletcher
Global Water Leader, Arup
Rasmus Lauridsen
Senior Climate Specialist, European Investment BankFernando González Cáñez
General Director, Basin Agency for the Valley of Mexico
Casey Brown
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts AmherstArnoldo Matus Kramer
Chief Resilience Officer, Mexico City
Lisa Svensson
Coordinator, Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Branch, UNEPStefan Uhlenbrook
Coordinator of the UN World Water Assessment Programme, UNESCO
Viktoria Granström
Environmental Leader, IKEA Industry ABHenk WJ Ovink
Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, Kingdom of The Netherlands, and Sherpa to the High Level Panel on WaterTorgny Holmgren
Executive Director, SIWIAntony Currie
Associate Editor, Reuters Breakingviews