Caroline Brown
Seminar: Tapping into collective wisdom: gender sensitive development and water ecosystems Caroline Brown is a Consultant at Pegasys Strategy and Development...
Seminar: Tapping into collective wisdom: gender sensitive development and water ecosystems
Caroline Brown is a Consultant at Pegasys Strategy and Development (Pretoria, South Africa) with qualifications in Mechanical Engineering (BSc Hons) and Sustainable Development (MPhil). She has worked in the water and climate resilience sectors since 2013, having gained both technical and managerial experience on several donor-funded water programmes throughout Africa.
Caroline has presented her work on gender, water, and climate resilience at several regional events – including the Zambezi Commission’s Multi-Stakeholder Forum, the Southern African Development Commuunity’s Water Dialogue – Gender Workshop, the Water Institute of Southern Africa’s Women in Water Conference, and DHI’s Annual Hydrological Conference.
A core focus of Caroline’s work has been on researching and determining how to practically integrate issues of gender, equality, and social inclusion into water infrastructure planning and design processes. Most notably, she has co-authored guidelines and tools on gender mainstreaming for UKAID’s Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility (covering 11 southern African countries).
She has also carried out research on the social and gender equality issues associated with water security in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa for UKAID’s Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) programme and CDKN’s water programme design for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) respectively.