Conclusions Workshop – GoAL WaSH
The GoAL WaSH programme at the UNDP/SIWI Water Governance Facility was established in 2008 with the aim of accelerating the achievement of the water and sanitation targets in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The programme works through strategically targeted interventions which strengthen the governance of water and sanitation sectors at appropriate levels.
The programme in its current guise will be concluding its 5 years of work this December. In order to exchange and learn from experiences, a conclusions workshop with GoAL WaSH focal points from each country office is being held in Stockholm this week. The aim of these exchanges is to identify successes and challenges, which will improve future programme impact and efficiency but also to start the formation of a GoAL WaSH community.
Participants will present the following at the workshop;
- What has GoAL WaSH produced in my country? (outputs)
- Which are the major outcomes of the project? (outcomes)
- What have lessons have been learned during the implementation? (processes)
GoAL WaSH has initiated and supported projects in several countries during the last 5 years. Currently, GoAL WaSH has active projects in Bosnia Herzegovina, El Salvador, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Madagascar, Mongolia, Liberia, Paraguay, and Tajikistan. In 2014 new projects in Togo, Cambodia, and Niger will begin.
You can follow blog entries from GoAL WaSH Programme Manager and Officer, Alejandro Jimenez and Sara Andersson at or contact them directly on, and