Ecosystem based water management: seminar at World Water Week 2018!
Ecosystem based water management: From innovation to practice Co-convenors: Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Cap-Net UNDP...
Ecosystem based water management: From innovation to practice
Co-convenors: Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Cap-Net UNDP and the Natural Capital Project.
Much learning has been generated in recent years about ecosystems-based water management, but is it reaching the right audiences at a meaningful scale? Do practitioners have the right tools and knowledge to apply the ecosystems approach to their own water management? If not, what is hindering uptake? Does practical implementation match theory? Is innovative use being made of technical applications, such as remote sensing, communications technology or big data analytics? Is indigenous knowledge sought out and utilised? Theorists and researchers need to learn from practitioners and vice versa; policy makers need to incorporate knowledge gained on the ground into their policy and leadership processes. With active participation from these different groups, the seminar will identify pathways to address barriers to uptake through partnerships, guidance and tool development, case studies, collaborative research and more. Our overall aim is to identify water management practice that achieves measurable positive outcomes for people and nature.
This seminar will take stock of current progress and uptake in integrating ecosystem approaches into water management practice. We invite papers that address questions on appropriate knowledge, tools and policies for applying ecosystems thinking to managing water resources. Can we innovatively combine tools such as remote sensing, communications technology or big data analytics with indigenous knowledge? How can we overcome governance challenges of ecosystem approaches? Can we accomplish SDGs 6 and 15 with existing tools and policies? Where do we need to advance science and how can results be effectively shared with practitioners? We welcome innovative case studies that address these issues.
Please read more on how to engage and submit your abstract here.
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