News.Jun 02, 2016

External Review of Sida’s support to UNDP Water and Ocean Governance Programme – Call for Proposals

The Water and Ocean Governance Programme (WOGP) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Sustainable Development Profession, in its Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS), assists countries to improve water and ocean governance, build capacities, and mainstream effective water and ocean resources management, and water supply and sanitation policy at local, national, regional and global levels. Among other mechanisms, the programme delivers through the UNDP Water Governance Facility (WGF) at SIWI, GoAL WaSH, and the global network for capacity development towards sustainable water management Cap-Net.

The External Review, to be carried out from August through October 2016, is to assess progress and provide strategic direction for the future by:

  1. Reviewing the outcomes of the WOGP programme, particularly as implemented through Cap-Net, WGF, and GoAL WaSH, related to the stated objectives and the expected results.
  2. Assessing the relevance, appropriateness, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of results of the WOGP, particularly as produced through its delivery mechanisms of Cap-Net, WGF, and GoAL WaSH.
  3. Highlighting particularly strong areas that would merit from additional emphasis and support, along with weaker areas that would merit from rethinking or phasing out.
  4. Suggesting ways forward to develop the WOGP, Cap-Net, WGF and GoAL WaSH in the new SDG era, and beyond the present (2014-2017) WOGP strategy period.

Further information about the assignment is found in the Terms of Reference.

Proposals by reviewer(s) interested in undertaking this External Review should be submitted via email to: no later than 20 June, 2016.