Nov 18, 2015

Hot off the press! At the Confluence from 2014 World Water Week

At the Confluence a publication consisting of scientific articles based on presentations made at the 2014 World Water Week ...

At the Confluence – a publication consisting of scientific articles based on presentations made at the 2014 World Water Week  – has just been launched.

The 2014 World Water Week focused on the linkages between water and energy. Energy and water are inextricably linked: water is needed for energy, and energy is needed for water. As developing countries grow, and economic activities and disposable incomes increase in many countries, the demand and competition for finite water resources and energy also increase.

Many of the articles in this volume reflect complex issues regarding competing water demands and trade-offs between food production, energy production, social, environmental and economic issues.

The articles address challenges and progress in different parts of the world, including cases from Latin America, Australia, Africa and Asia. The authors link up to current international processes such as the post 2015 agenda and the climate agreement, and to ongoing climate phenomena like the droughts in Sao Paolo and California.
IUCN, The World Bank and the Sustainable Energy for All were partners in the organization of the 2014 World Water Week and have also contributed to the production of this volume.