New online course on water integrity
Want to be an architect of good water governance? Join our new online course where you learn about transparency, accountability, participation, and anti-corruption concepts. The course gives you tools to guarantee business efficiency and deliver better and faster in the water sector.

The new course Integrity basics: Understanding Corruption in Water and Sanitation has been created by SIWI, together with the Water Integrity Network, and the United Nations Development Programme UNDP through the Water Governance Facility and Cap-Net. From 1 September until 30 November, you can take this free, self-paced course online to get an introduction to the topic of integrity in the water sector. The course consists of three modules with short papers, videos, and a discussion forum. To complete it, you need to invest three to fours hours per week for three or four weeks. After the course you get a certificate.
Water integrity is choosing good governance over corruption; choosing what is honest and ethical over dishonest practices; choosing fair and sustainable water management over unequal access to water. It is building strong water institutions guaranteeing that resources and services go where they are intended and most needed, that water is fairly and sustainably managed.
Yet, the most vulnerable population, including women and children, have precarious access to water and sanitation in many areas of the world.
The global water crisis is one of governance. A change is possible by choosing to develop the integrity of the water sector, by building alliances with citizens, civil servants and decision-makers to take on the integrity tools, invest time and efforts in eliminating corruption opportunities.
Addressing corruption is choosing professionalism. It requires leadership, knowledge, and skills to spearhead change, consolidate institutional arrangements and procedures in water resources management and water service delivery.