Jan 30, 2018

Nicole Dinion

Seminar: Outside the fence: Industry’s role in ecosystem and watershed management Nicole Dinion works in the Ericsson Garage, an innovation group...

Seminar: Outside the fence: Industry’s role in ecosystem and watershed management

Nicole Dinion works in the Ericsson Garage, an innovation group within Ericsson that develops and supports solutions from idea through incubation, from both technology and business perspective. Prior to joining the Garage, Nicole was a manager with a business strategy consulting firm, inCode consulting, focused on the ICT sector. She graduated as an Echols Scholar from the University of Virginia with a Physics B.S. and an English B.A. At Virginia, she served on her residential governance board and volunteered as an EMT. She also spent many years on the USA national rowing team, where she set a world record for the 500m erg and earned a bronze medal at the World Championships.

At inCode, Nicole developed a wide gambit of consulting skills ranging from market research to management of client relationships, project teams and deliverables. Today, she is driving adoption of fluid workforce and minimum viable business models in the Ericsson Garage – with the ultimate ambition of enhancing the funnel of new, sustainable, business viable solutions. She is also the driver of a project known as MicroWeather. MicroWeather is a new solution co-developed by Ericsson Research and SMHI to provide real-time rainfall with extremely granular time and spatial resolution. Her ambition is to bring this technology to markets across the world to address the numerous challenges caused by changing weather patterns and increased flood.