Paper: Transboundary Water Management – Who does what, where?
A new paper published by the Swedish Water House analyses the findings from the SIWI Transboundary Water Management database. It shows where TWM actors are working, what they are doing and the tools they are promoting. More actors focus on Africa than anywhere else and most activities are located in rivers, while other basin types receive relatively little attention. Activities most commonly aim to enhance water management and efficiency, primarily through technical assistance and capacity building. Download the report here.
A database describing what regional and international actors are doing in the field of Transboundary Water Management is now available at Swedish Water House’s website.
Transboundary Water Management database
Currently, the database holds information on activities, projects, tools and publications of more than 80 actors, including River Basin Organisations, Regional Economic Communities, Financial Institutions, Non-Governmental Organisations, UN Agencies and Intergovernmental Organisations. The database can be used for multiple purposes. Organisations can use it as a base for discussion on future activities, hence decreasing the risk of duplication. Researchers can use it to identify research needs and water managers and decision-makers to identify working models or tools that facilitate river basin management. Explore the database here!