The Liberia WASH Compact Reviewed
The Liberia WASH Compact was developed as a result of a Joint Mission held in Monrovia in April 2011, supported by the Government of Liberia and the Sanitation and Water for All Partnership. Through the Compact the Government, with the support of development partners and civil society, outlined a series of commitments to ensure equitable and sustainable delivery of water and sanitation services for all Liberians. Commitments were arranged around four key thematic areas, for delivery over a two-year time period. The Liberia WASH Compact has come to be recognised as a good example of stakeholder collaboration and dialogue. The National Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Committee has been very successful in bringing stakeholders together and has become the key coordinating entity for the sector.
A preliminary review of progress against the Compact commitments was made in September 2011. This second review was conducted by WaterAid and the UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI in October 2012. This review concludes that while the Compact has increased coordination and dialogue within the sector, it is clear that concrete progress against the majority of Compact commitments has been undermined by significant challenges. Renewed lobbying will be required to generate the political will needed to drive forward progress in outstanding areas, particularly among higher levels of Government. Donors and NGOs must also take responsibility for ensuring their support is aligned behind the priorities laid out in the Compact and the Sector Strategic Plan, and should utilise national and international opportunities to encourage progress against the Compact commitments.
See the report here.