Nov 02, 2018

Transforming societies to meet the SDGs: The role of finance

Co-convenors: World Water Council, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre at Stockholm Environment Institute and...

Co-convenors: World Water Council, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre at Stockholm Environment Institute and the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ

Far-reaching societal transformations are required to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and finance for water play a vital role in under-pinning these transformation processes. According to estimates by the World Bank, investments need to triple to reach the water-related SDGs, and traditional approaches will not get us there. Transforming business-as-usual by revaluing water is needed to improve social equity and distribution (e.g. women and youth), whilst at the same time increasing economic growth and protecting water related ecosystems. The High-Level Panel on Water identified the need for more clarity on allocating, valuing, pricing and trading water, and of the transparent incorporation of these values into decision-making. Institutional, regulatory and policy changes are required to enable the implementation of financial inclusion mechanisms in order to maximize social equity. Identifying shared responsibilities, co-benefits and win-win situations are important components in the process.

This seminar explores how finance can support an inclusive, sustainable transformation: how do we increase financial streams and make them more effective and equitable? How do we maximize and attract non-traditional sources of finance to support SDGs? How do we ensure that the process is inclusive and that we minimise the risk of bias towards certain groups or SDG goals? How do we account for social capital, multi-dimensional aspects for poverty and the risk for stranded assets? Lastly, what opportunities are provided by green finance and financial inclusion, what are potential bottle-necks and how do we overcome these?


Please read more on how to engage and submit your abstract here.

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