MENA water integrity programme endorsed
The endorsement will help promote the programme as well as the good work of SIWI within water integrity, and in the region more generally.
On December 4, 2014 the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) member countries approved the labelling of SIWI’s Capacity Building Programme on Water Integrity in the Middle East and North Africa. Having the political endorsement to implement this programme is a significant step towards achieving a water wise world that is resistant to corruption. It reflects both an increased awareness of the importance of water integrity as well as a willingness by governments to tackle the issue.
What is Water Integrity?
Corruption is one of the most detrimental challenges to the sustainable management of water resources, hydropower, irrigation and the provision of water services. It reduces economic growth, discourages investment, violates human dignity, increases health risks and robs poor people of their livelihoods and access to water.
SIWI defines water integrity as the adherence of water actors and institutions to the water governance principles of transparency, accountability, and participation, based on core values of honesty, equity and professionalism. Ultimately water integrity is one of the most important means to achieving a water wise world that is resistant to corruption.
- Read more about SIWI’s work on water integrity.