Unique course to address global water crisis
Water is one of humanity’s most critical issues but too often ignored. This needs to change – understanding water is key to tackling for example food security, health, natural disasters and global warming. To rapidly boost the knowledge necessary to seize opportunities and manage challenges, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and the United Nations’ SDG Academy will launch a unique free course on water.

From 14 January, everyone in the world can take the massive open online course Water – addressing the global crisis. The idea is to equip students, business leaders and change-makers at all levels with tools to handle today’s and tomorrow’s water challenges. It is estimated that by 2030, global demand for freshwater will exceed available supply by 40 per cent, forcing all sectors of society to adapt.
“Water is the defining issue of our age. We need a new awareness of the role water plays for humans, societies and nature. Both SIWI and the SDG Academy feel it’s urgent to spread this knowledge to as many people as possible,” says Dr. Therese Sjömander Magnusson, Chief Operations Officer at SIWI and Lead Faculty for the course.
SIWI was asked to organize the training to create the most up-to-date course possible with the latest research on topics like the link between water and health, why agriculture must rethink its water use and how water can be a tool for peacebuilding. The modules were filmed during the 2018 World Water Week in Stockholm, the most important yearly event for the water community.
“Thanks to this, we’ve been able to create a unique course with many of the world’s leading experts. I hope many people will seize this rare opportunity to learn directly from them,” Therese Sjömander Magnusson says.
She emphasizes the broad scope of Water – addressing the global crisis. The course explains how water is crucial to all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and features both academic lecturers and practitioners. After the twelve-week course, students will have a good understanding of key topics related to water scarcity, climate change, sanitation and much more.
“Not least importantly, the course prepares you to make a difference. This is really something that is needed across the globe to tackle the water challenges we are facing,” Therese Sjömander Magnusson says.
The unique course Water – addressing the global crisis can be found here.
It consists of pre-recorded lectures, readings, a discussion forum, quizzes and a final exam.
The course covers nine modules: No One Will Be Left Behind; Climate Change; Water and Ecosystems; Water Governance Crisis; Water and Sanitation Services and Delivery; Transboundary Water; Food and Water; Water and Energy.
The modules will be delivered over 12 weeks, starting 14 January.
About SIWI
SIWI is an international water institute, working to improve the way freshwater resources are governed. By combining its areas of expertise with its unique convening power, SIWI influences decision-makers, facilitates dialogue and builds knowledge.
SIWI organizes the world’s most important annual water and development meeting, World Water Week, and awards the Stockholm Water Prize and Stockholm Junior Water Prize.
To learn more: siwi.org