Sep 01, 2012

Water Governance Facility at World Water Week 2012

The UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI arranged and participated in a range of events at the 2012 World Water Week in Stockholm.

The UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI held seminars and side events at the 2012 World Water Week. See the detailed event description and programme by clicking the links in the list below:

2012-08-26  Seminar
Promoting Integrity and Transparency in Water and Food Security

2012-08-27  Side Event
Tracking the Impact of Water Governance Interventions

2012-08-29  Side Event
How can WASH Services Build Stability in Fragile States?

2012-08-30   Seminar
Global Practice in Promoting Gender Equality in the Water Sector


World Water Forum session on integrity and transparency: Promoting integrity and transparency in the water sector to curb corruption

Date:15th March 2012, Organisers: UNDP Water Governance Facility (WGF), Water Integrity Network (WIN), Transparency International (TI)


Governance is crucial in achieving efficient, sustainable and fair water distribution and providing adequate sanitation services. However, there is no simple formula for success to ensure good governance in the water sector. The complexity of institutional and governmental structures calls for diverse approaches to achieve good governance as. Transparency, accountability and participation are key pillars of integrity which should underpin good water governance.

The thematic process of the 6th World Water Forum reflects this understanding of the importance of good governance: The UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI (WGF) and the Water Integrity Network (WIN), with support from Transparency International (TI), joined efforts to place the crucial issue of integrity and transparency on the agenda at the World Water Forum. Two targets related to the topic of good governance were subsequently developed aiming at achieving wider use of corruption risk assessments and diagnostic studies and clear mechanisms for transparent information sharing, including budget transparency.

  • Target 5: By 2018, 30 countries will have committed to promote integrity in the water sector, diagnose/map existing or potential corruption risks, and ensure that anti-corruption policies are well implemented and effective.
  • Target 6: By 2018, 30 countries are implementing: transparent water budget processes, including information about water infrastructure investment planning and implementation (financial, technical, and socio-economic impacts); and methods and tools for improving transparency and accountability within the water sector.

During the joint session at the World Water Forum various partners and network members shared their experiences in promoting water integrity and good governance. The discussions provided the opportunity for solution oriented reflections on a diverse selection of tools presented which have been used in Africa, Europe and Asia in the water sector. The presented solutions aimed at inspiring and inciting water stakeholders to take action to improve integrity and transparency, with a view to reduce corruption, in the water sector. Click here for the full session report.