Nov 02, 2018

Women and youth: Living apart together

Co-convenors: UN Women, the World Bank and Water Youth Network Women and youth are two major groups affected by...

Co-convenors: UN Women, the World Bank and Water Youth Network

Women and youth are two major groups affected by lack of access to safe water and sanitation. They are often excluded from participation or representation in decision making processes related to water issues at all levels. In the field of water gender inequalities determine how women and men are affected differently and how resources are developed and managed. Young people also face significant challenges of lack of recognition or voice at the table, which inhibit their potentially huge and innovative contributions to water solutions for all.

Women and youth empowerment processes as well as direct access to finance are necessary for strategic courses of action directed towards achieving the SDGs in an inclusive manner. Human-rights based and gender-responsive interventions that reduce inequalities and increase access to water and sanitation have the potential to dramatically improve the lives and livelihoods of youth and women worldwide – and to ensure that no one is left behind.

The main objective of the seminar is to contribute to the understanding of human rights-based and gender-responsive approaches to strengthen the voice and the active and meaningful participation of women and youth in water and sanitation. What are the mechanisms and approaches that can ensure women’s and youth’s sustainable access and use of water? How to engage with stakeholders at all levels to realize ownership and taking responsibility as a prerequisite of making change and accomplishing the water-related SDGs?


Please read more on how to engage and submit your abstract here.

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