Nov 05, 2018

World Water Week 2019: Water for society — including all

The preparations for World Water Week 2019 is starting now with the Call for Engagement!  In 2019, World Water Week will explore an...

The preparations for World Water Week 2019 is starting now with the Call for Engagement! 

In 2019, World Water Week will explore an inclusive approach. This Week’s theme: “Water and society – including all” is recognizing that not everybody is impacted in the same way by too little, too much or too dirty water.

The Call offers an overview of how you can get engaged, the seminar topics, the various submission dates for proposals, information about our new venue, Tele2 Arena, and much more. Submissions for abstracts and events are now open!

Engage now, here >>

Download the Call as a PDF here >>

Read the full Call for Engagement below.

Find out more about the the nine seminar topics of 2019 here >>

And sign up for the World Water Week newsletter here >>