WWW 2016 abstract and event submissions due by January 24. Submit now!
Would you like to present your work at World Water Week this year? Do you have a great idea for an event at the Week? The deadline for the submission of abstracts and event proposals is 24 January!
Abstracts are now welcome from experts and actors of all disciplines who wish to present their work and research at the seminars during the Week in Stockholm. An abstract can be submitted for oral presentation or for poster presentation. Learn more about the abstract submission process here. Please contact Ms. Maarja Undrits Cederlöf at maarja.cederlof@siwi.org if you have questions regarding the submission of abstracts.
SIWI welcomes all event proposals and encourages collaboration between organizations in order to build partnerships and bring a range of perspectives to the Week. Events run for 90 minutes and the topic, content, format and speakers are set and developed by you and your convening organizations. By hosting an event, you can engage a wide range of stakeholders in discussions and debate around a specific issue of your choice. More information about the event proposal submission process can be found here. If you have any questions regarding event proposals submissions, please contact Ms. Ingrid Stangberg at ingrid.stangberg@siwi.org
Hope to see you in Stockholm this summer!