Nov 15, 2019

You as a youth: Apply now

Every year, the World Water Week hosts several sessions with youth and water at its core as part of our continuous work on inclusiveness. If you are under 35 years old you can apply.

We want to invite interested organisations to co-convene these sessions with us based on suggestions and ideas from previous young professional participants. You can also apply to be one of nine committed young professionals supporting the Scientific Programme Committee.

Become a Young Professional convenor Every year, the World Water Week hosts several sessions with youth and water at its core as part of our continuous work on inclusiveness. This year, we take it one step further and invite interested organisations to co-convene these sessions with us based on suggestions and ideas from previous young professional participants.

Read more about how to become a Professional Convenor here

Join the Young SPC
The Young Scientific Programme Committee (YSPC) (age 35 and under) is a group of individuals selected each year to support the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC). They collaborate with experienced scientists and water professionals, develop the seminars’ programme of one of the world’s most renowned water conferences, and gain visibility within the water community. They also add another, important perspective to the SPC’s work: the young professionals’ perspective.

Read more about the Young SPC here

See our short video on how to apply here!

For more information, please contact Cajsa Larsson,