2013 Call for abstracts
The theme of 2013 World Water Week is “Water Cooperation – Building Partnerships”. We hope that this call for abstracts and proposals will help guide you as to how you and your organization would like to take part in the Week. Very welcome to join the discussions in 2013.

At the Week we will explore the relationships between water users, between countries, and between professional communities, at local, national and global levels. We will also dig deeper into the inter-relations that characterize the broader context in which water is managed like the Water-Energy-Food nexus, and Transboundary Water Cooperation. Furthermore, how do we identify and recognize both the barriers for, and the benefits of, cooperation? What are the factors needed to create the kind of enabling environment where cooperation thrives and partnerships last? How can more effective cooperation enable us to reach future-oriented decisions and force implementation, and how can we best build partnerships among actors to achieve common goals?