Water in the Landscape cluster group: Meeting summary, 8 February 2018
The meeting addressed questions like: What do we want from ecosystems? Can we blend ecological and engineering definitions of resilience?
Meeting conclusions
- We have to address the conflict of how we value different ecosystem services or measures.
- There is also a conflict between food security and the need to hold water using water
retention measures to reduce floods. - We need to change our way of thinking to minimise damages and move towards solutions that are not only based on infrastructure.
- There is a need to create livelihoods and incomes in rural areas as well, not only to create conservation areas.
- It can be difficult to find solutions to different interests upstream and downstream.
- We need to find ways of linking the different methodologies available
- There is a need to work with governance and transboundary issues not only for actual watersheds or rivers on the ground, but also for so called ‘aerial rivers’