10 Sep 2013, 10:00 - 0:00 UTC

Access to social services – how to overcome socio-cultural barriers

Ethnic minorities often suffer from discrimination, having limited or no access to social services. What socio-cultural barriers hinder these groups from accessing services such as water and sanitation, education and housing? How can government, communities and service providers work together to overcome these barriers? Together with researchers, politicians and NGOs from Nicaragua and Sweden we share lessons learnt and explore paths to improved access.

Venue name: Medelhavsmuseet
Venue address: Medelhavsmuseet


10.00 Welcome note – Karin Glaumann, Programme Officer, Swedish Water House

10.05 The situation of Romani people in Sweden – Gregor Kweik, ethnologist and representative of Stockholm County’s Administrative Board

10.20 Intercultural transparency: Overcoming barriers to indigenous peoples’ access to water and sanitation – Ms. Marta Anderson Ordoñez, Researcher, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua

10.35 Södertälje’s integration policy: Opportunities and challenges – Ms. Paki Holvande

10.50 Questions & Answers

11.00 Coffee break

11.15 Panel discussion

12.00 Closing of seminar

Fredsgatan 2

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
10 Sep 2013, 10:00 - 0:00 UTC