Climate Smart Agriculture Policy Dialogue
This dialogue will bring together researchers and practitioners from across Sub Saharan Africa to better equip farmers to become climate smart and resilient and provide evidence to inform key government and multilateral climate change programs.
This is a three-day event where about thirty papers will be presented in sessions, allowing ample discussion time on how to promote climate smart agriculture and climate resilient rural communities.
This dialogue will provide a unique opportunity for stakeholders from Sub Saharan Africa to reflect together and craft messages that will feed into the UN Water Conference deliberations that will take place in a week later in New York.
SIWI’s Anton Earle is an invited guest at the Roundtable Session 10 on Investment Priorities for Transitioning to Climate-Resilient Farming Systems in Sub Saharan Africa scheduled for 15 March 2023 | 1100hrs – 1300hrs (SAST).
Anton will present the Transforming Investments in African Rainfed Agriculture project.