Seminar.13 Jun 2022, 13:15 CET

Bonn Climate Change Conference: Unpacking freshwater’s role in climate change mitigation

Climate action cannot succeed without water. This event presents the latest science on the key role of water in climate mitigation. It outlines how sustainable water management can reduce emissions, secure carbon sinks, and underpin successful transition towards renewable energy sources.

This event can be followed on the UNFCCC YouTube account – Subscribe

Welcome/intro by moderator (10 min)
Moderator: Malin Lundberg Ingemarsson, SIWI

Welcome (15 min)
Ovais Sarmad, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNFCCC
Dr. Tania Rödiger-Vorwerk, Deputy Director General for Global Health, Resilience and Equality of Opportunity, BMZ
Cassie Flynn, Strategic Advisor on Climate Change and Head of the Climate Promise, UNDP

Keynote (10 min)
Lan Wang Erlandsson, Stockholm Resilience Centre

Presentations with Government respondents (30 min)
Water utilities – Ricard Gine, SIWI
NDC case study from Indonesia – Ms. Budisusanti, Director of Peat Degradation Control, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia
NDC case study from Jordan – (TBC)
Freshwater ecosystems – Nureen Faiza Anisha, Oregon State University

Q&A (15 min)

Closing and Call to action (5 min)
Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director, SIWI

[Agenda is subject to change]

Freshwater and ecosystems/biodiversityWater and climate
13 Jun 2022, 13:15 CET
Bonn (Germany)


Freshwater can make or break our ability to successfully implement many climate change mitigation solutions. Our upcoming report, launched in the autumn 2022, will present why, where, and how freshwater should be integrated into climate change mitigation plans and activities, to enable effective transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Read the executive summary now
Field of windmills over a wetland at sunset