Conference.07 Dec - 08 Dec 2022 , 9:00 CET

Groundwater Summit 2022: The culminating event of the UN-Water year to make the invisible visible

The UN-Water Summit on Groundwater is a high-level conference on the world’s largest liquid freshwater resource, co-coordinated by UNESCO and the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC). Held in Paris on the 6–8 December, it will put spotlight on groundwater’s crucial role for achieving SDG 6 and other, interlinked goals.

Pair of feet standing on moss
What is beneath our feet? Being underground makes groundwater almost “mysterious”. Image credit: Shutterstock/enhanced illustration by SIWI

The Summit features a day of sessions dedicated to the Global SDG 6 Acceleration Framework pillars: Data and information, Capacity development, Innovation, Finance, and Governance.

The UNDP–SIWI Water Governance Facility coordinates the Groundwater Governance session that will provide an overview of the topic followed by a panel discussing how to improve the international community’s support to country progress.

Together, the events will offer important messages to the Mid-Term Review Conference in New York on 22–24 March 2023, to inspire and influence decisions taken ahead of it and as part of the Conference. Clear roles and strong institutions are two aspects identified as key to Governance as an Accelerator.

There is a pre-summit event on 6 December.

07 Dec - 08 Dec 2022 , 9:00 CET
Paris (France)