Identifying the wins, addressing the barriers, and navigating the concept jungle
Welcome to a roundtable to learn more about what tools and concepts are available for corporate water management. We will hear from some of the actors and organizations behind the existing methodologies and certifications, and provide an opportunity for informal exchange of experiences between businesses on how to work in practice with water stewardship. What tools and concepts have been found to be useful, what are the benefits of proactive water management, and what are the limitations and barriers that need to be addressed?
We will look closer at the following tools:
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development: Global Water Tool
- WWF: Water Risk Filter
- Water Footprint Network: Water Footprint Assessment
- European Water Stewardship: European Water Stewardship Standard
- CEO Water Mandate: Water toolbox
Venue name: SIWI – Conference room Ocean
Venue address: Linnegatan 87A, 5th floor
13:00 Welcome
13:10 Introduction to the Water Stewardship Toolbox – Peter Schulte, CEO Water Mandate
13:20 Water Footprinting – Ashok Chapagain, Water Footprint Network
13:30 The Global Water Tool – Joppe Cramwinckel, WBCSD
13:40 Water Risk Filter – Charlotta Järnmark, WWF
13:50 European Water Stewardship Standard – Thomas Vereijken, European Water Partnership
14:00 Coffee break
14:15 UPM’s experience from working with water – Seija Vatka, UPM
14:25 Presentation of the report “Making water your business” – Lovisa Selander, Baltic Development Forum
14:35 Choice Hotels’ experience from working with water – Gustav Stenbeck, Choice Hotels
15:30 Discussion
16:00 Close of session