Science-based, data-fuelled collaborations are critical to restoring ocean health and ensuring a safe, just blue economy. Barriers, opportunities and innovative approaches will be shared and discussed.

This is one of the official side events of the UN Ocean Conference to be held on 27 June to 1 July 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal.


No registration is needed. All guests who have access to the Blue Zone are welcome to attend this event as capacity allows.


Welcome by Moderator (5 minutes)

Ruth Mathews, Senior Manager, Stockholm International Water Institute, Coordinator, Action Platform for Source-to-Sea Management

Opening remarks (5 minutes)

Helen Ågren, Ambassador for Ocean Affairs, Government of Sweden

Lightning presentation (10 minutes)

  • Kimberly Mathisen, CEO, HUB Ocean
  • Lovisa Bergman, Manager, Co-Lead Climate & Environment Accenture

Panel discussion (10 minutes)

Focused on securing a safe and just blue economy from source to sea through data and monitoring of social and environmental indicators in partnership with the private sector

  • Suzanne Johnson, Senior Advisor to the UN Global Compact’s Sustainable Ocean Business platform, Ocean UNGC & Lead Sustainability Program Lloyd’s Register Foundation
  • Jerker Tamelander, Director of Science and Policy, Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
  • Jan Bebbington, Professor, Lancaster University

Lightning presentation (10 minutes)

Focused on the role of science and partnerships from source to sea in the transition towards a just blue economy

  • Frida Bengtsson, Stockholm Resilience Center

Panel discussion (10 minutes):

  • Suzanne Johnson, Senior Advisor to the UN Global Compact’s Sustainable Ocean Business platform, Ocean UNGC & Lead Sustainability Program Lloyd’s Register Foundation
  • Jerker Tamelander, Director of Science and Policy, Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
  • Jan Bebbington, Professor, Lancaster University

Lightning presentation (10 minutes)

Focused on the need for a holistic management approach from source to sea to achieve SDG14. Fostering collaborations between the freshwater and ocean communities .

  • Peter Wiwen-Nilsson, CEO Race for the Baltic
  • Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa, Programme Specialist for Water Quality, UNESCO IHP

Panel discussion (10 minutes):

  • Suzanne Johnson, Senior Advisor to the UN Global Compact’s Sustainable Ocean Business platform, Ocean UNGC & Lead Sustainability Program Lloyd’s Register Foundation
  • Jerker Tamelander, Director of Science and Policy, Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
  • Jan Bebbington, Professor, Lancaster University

Closing remarks (5 minutes):

Ruth Mathews, Senior Manager, Stockholm International Water Institute, Coordinator, Action Platform for Source-to-Sea Management

Organised by:

Accenture logo
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HUB Ocean Logo
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HUB Ocean
LR Foundation
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Lloyd’s Register Foundation
SIWI logo 2021 - dark blue circle with light blue wave on top. SIWI written on the right
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Stockholm International Water Institute
1. SRC logo digital version horisontal
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Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC)
Source2Sea Platform
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Action Platform for Source-to-Sea Management
UN Global Compact logo
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UN Global Compact

In partnership with

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) logo
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Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Global Environment Facility (GEF) logo
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Global Environment Facility
Global Water Partnership logo
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Global Water Partnership
Internaional Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) logoIUCN
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International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Logo of government of the Netherlands
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Government of the Netherlands
Race for the Baltic logo
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Race for the Baltic
Ramsar Convention logo
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Ramsar Convention
Stockholm Environment Institute logo
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Stockholm Environment Institute
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management logo
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Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
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United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme logo
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