19 Feb 2015, 9:00 - 0:00 UTC

Sanitation governance – making the system work

This seminar was organised in cooperation with the UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI and aimed to further the dialogue among development-oriented actors in Sweden on how to improve the situation for the approximately 2.5 billion people worldwide who struggle for proper sanitation everyday. Rather than making the case for how important sanitation is for society and human health or how neglected it has been, the seminar focused on what needs to be done, and how.

Seminar report and presentations are available for download under the “Files” tab.

Venue name: SIWI office
Venue address: Linnégatan 87A, 100 55 Stockholm


The seminar was moderated by Lotta Samuelson, Swedish Water House

9.00 Welcome by Swedish Water House

9.05 Background to workshop: Issues in Sanitation Governance
Marianne Kjellén, Director, UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI

9.15 Ongoing efforts and past experience for improving the sanitation services

  • Piecing the puzzle: integrated faecal sludge management planning at city wide level
    Philippe Reymond, Project Coordinator, EAWAG/Sandec, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
  • Toilets need allies – breaking down silo thinking for decentralized sanitation
    Jean O. Lacoursière, Professor in Sustainable Water Management” and Coordinator of the CITYBLUES++ Partnership, Kristianstad University
  • What is the role of local government in community based sanitation?
    Alejandro Jiménez, Program Manager, UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI

10.15 Stretch and fruit

10.30 Ongoing efforts and past experience, continued

  • Experiences from implementing the Peepoo Sanitation System in Kibera
    Camilla Wirseen, Co-Founder PeePoople
  • Capacity as a Catalyst for Governance
    Madeleine Fogde, Program Director SIANI, Stockholm Environment Institute

11.10 Discussion: Ideas for action and relevant cooperation
Facilitated by Alejandro Jiménez and Marianne Kjellén, UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI

12.00 Light lunch


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)Water governance
19 Feb 2015, 9:00 - 0:00 UTC