Urban Adaptation in the Baltic Region
- Promoting & Supporting Bottom-up Approaches to Assessing & Reducing Climate Risks
- Decision scaling : Linking bottom-up vulnerability analysis with climate projections in the water sector
- How can we mainstream robust, flexible approaches to uncertainty in water management?
- Exploring pathways for sustainable water management in river deltas in a changing environment
- Sustainable water management under future uncertainty with eco-engineering decision scaling
- Confronting Climate Uncertainty in Water Resources Planning and Project Design
The training is free of charge and will be held in English.
For Who?
Practitioners and decision makers within utility, water management and infrastructure organisations, as well as city, municipal and regional public authorities.
Creating climate resilient societies is at the forefront of city, municipal and regional development agendas across the Baltic Sea Region. Climate mitigation and adaptation solutions are paramount in ensuring urban environments that can endure immediate and long-term climatic stresses. The management approach, processes and tools used to plan and implement solutions are therefore crucial to the future prosperity of our urban environments.
Training Days Agenda
The Tools for Urban Climate Adaptation Train-ing days aim to provide a platform for sharing new methodologies and tools among leaders, decision makers and practitioners that work with climate solutions on a daily basis.
Each workshop will include guidance on:
- Eco- engineering Decision Scaling (EEDS)
- Collaborative Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA)
- CRIDA & World Bank Decision Tree Framework
- Participant challenge and solution sharing session, moderated by Alliance for Global Water Ad-aptation (AGWA) and Deltares.
Unique to each workshop location, leading regional and national cases studies will be presented for discussion.
28 November 2017 – Stockholm, Sweden
29 November 2017 – Turku, Finland
30 November 2017 – Copenhagen, Denmark
Contacts: Lotta.Samuelson@siwi.org or Kristina.Johansson@siwi.org
09:30 Coffee and registration
10:00 Welcome and Introduction by Maggie White, SIWI
10:05 Tour de table – New challenges – New solutions
10:25 Swedish National Climate Change Adaptation Plans.
Åsa Sjöström, National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation, SMHI.
10:50 Leg stretcher
11:00 Introduction to bottom-up methodologies by John Matthews, Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA)
– CRIDA & World Bank Decision Tree Framework.
– Eco-engineering Decision Scaling (EEDS): An inclusive approach.
11:40 Working through a Collaborative Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA) by Ad Jeuken, Deltares
12:30 Light lunch
13:15 Regional Case Study: The iWater project – Integrated Stormwater Management. Nika Kotoviča, iWater project coordinator
13:30 Local Case Study: Gunilla Isgren, Strategic Analyst, Environment. Botkyrka Municipality
13:45 Local Case Study: Linda Holmström, Policy advisor, Strategic Urban Development Department, City of Stockholm
14:00 How can adaptive tools/methodologies be used to support decision making in an uncertain environment? Discussion led by John Matthews and Ad Jeuken
15:10 Summary and next steps
- Baltic Development Forum
- SIWI Swedish Water House
- Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC)