04 May 2015, 9:00 UTC

Water, Forests and People – Building Resilient Landscapes

This was the second seminar arranged by the Swedish Water House cluster group on Water and Forests.

Keynote speakers illustrated the importance of intact and restored landscapes to water resources, livelihoods, biodiversity and sustainable development potential. Case studies exemplified how forests are strategically used to secure clean water to urban and rural societies in developing countries, as well as for production of food, fiber and fuel.

After lunch, participants were invited to discuss how stakeholders from the Swedish forest sector can initiate and support innovative activities and projects that support restoration of degraded forest landscapes, sustainable forestry and sustainable management of water resources in developing countries.

The seminar was held in English.

Presentations from the seminar can be found under the “Files” tab.

Venue name; Swedish Environmental Protection Agency


09:30 Welcome

Keynote speakers

09:35 Resilient forest landscapes – threats and opportunities
Anders Malmer, Director SLU Global and Berty van Hensbergen, Chair of the Board, SSC Forestry

10:00 Landscape approaches, potentials for water, forests and people
Terry Sunderland, Principal Scientist, Forests and Livelihoods Programme, CIFOR

10:30 Forest ecosystem services for water – capturing values for rural and urban communities
Jan Cassin, Water Initiative Director, Forest Trends

Leg stretcher – fruit

11:15 Policy support to resilient landscapes
Thomas Hofer, Team Leader Watershed Management and Mountain Forestry Department, FAO

11:35 How can forest industries support resilient landscapes in the South
Ola Svending, Manager Environmental Affairs, Stora Enso

11:55 Empowering forest smallholders – a key to secure water resources?
Christer Segerstéen, Chairman, Södra Skogsägarna


13:00 Workshop
Based on the challenges presented in the morning and in previous seminars – what activities and projects could Swedish forest stakeholders engage in to contribute to better water management and more resilient forest landscapes in developing countries?

14:30 Coffee break

15:00 Wrap up – next steps

16:00 End of seminar


Swedish Water House Cluster Group for Water and Forests


04 May 2015, 9:00 UTC